
Viewing 17 - 32 out of 35 posts


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Regenerative Medicine and Rotator Cuff Tears

Whether you play sports, work out, or just want to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle, your rotator cuffs are important. A rotator cuff tear can be debilitating. There are Read More

Common Questions About Back Pain Relief

Around 80% of people will experience back pain at some point in their life. Fortunately, there are effective ways of finding relief. Are you suffering from back pain that is Read More

Lifting Injuries

Treatment for Lifting Injuries It’s always good for your health to regularly hit up the gym or workout at home. By doing so, you can keep your body in good shape, Read More

Sports Injury FAQs

Sports Injury FAQs There isn't an athlete alive who wants to spend time on the sidelines recuperating from a sports injury. However, before you can compete, it is smart to learn Read More

How Physical Rehab Can Help Carpel Tunnel

How Physical Rehab Can Help Carpal Tunnel Here at Advanced Medical Solutions, we offer different kinds of treatment to help our patients recover from their pain or discomfort. We offer a Read More

Regenerative Medicine Treats Osteoarthritis

Regenerative Medicine Treats Osteoarthritis Over time the tissue in the joints of your body begins to break down. This deterioration leaves people in pain and unfortunately, this state of pain becomes Read More

B-12 Vitamin Shot Benefits

B-12 Vitamin Shot Benefits For the many individuals who suffer from constant pain and want to avoid surgery, a new innovative medical facility in Myrtle Beach offers regenerative medicine. Our team Read More

Physical Therapy For Sports Injuries

Physical Therapy: An Important Treatment for Sports Injuries If you have ever had a sports injury, you probably already know and understand the importance of physical therapy in the process of Read More

How Trigger Point Injections Treat Chronic Stress-Related Pain

Trigger Point Injections Help Relieve Chronic Pain Chronic muscle pain can affect your quality of life to the point you can't easily move in a specific motion. At Advanced Medical Solutions Read More

Knee Pain Treated With Regenerative Medicine

Knee Pain Treated with Regenerative Medicine Like any mechanical hinge, when the joints in our bodies are damaged, it hinders their ability to move and flex. This is especially true of Read More

Regenerative Medicine

Stem Cell Regenerative Medicine Treatment Options at Advanced Medical Solutions We get injured all the time. This is a part of life and, fortunately, the body has the ability to heal Read More

Sports Rehabilitation

Advanced Medical Solutions Offers Sports Rehabilitation for Your Sports Injury  Sports rehab is necessary for everyone involved in physical activity. It's most often associated with professional athletes, but the fitness industry Read More

How Regenerative Medicine Treats Arthritis

Regenerative Medicine and Arthritis: What Our Myrtle Beach Regenerative Medicine Center Wants You to Know If you struggle with arthritis, you know that the condition can be debilitating. You may have Read More


Osteoarthritis, Disc Degeneration, Joint Pain, and Chronic Fatigue Do Not Have to Be a Part of Your Daily Expectations Advanced Medical Solutions understands how it feels to live with a degenerative Read More

Weight Loss

Strategies for Weight Loss from Advanced Medical Solutions Without a doubt, obesity is an epidemic in this country and weight loss needs to be addressed. Those who suffer from obesity Read More

Stem Cell Regenerative Medicine

Stem Cell Regenerative Medicine There are many people out there who are struggling with pain. Across the country, millions of people deal with pain on a daily basis and pain is Read More

Viewing 17 - 32 out of 35 posts


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